I should have taken pictures!! Hannah's school has "night school" once a year where the kids can show their parents all the neat Montessori 'work' they do every day. They don't allow siblings or anyone except the parents to attend, and Pete had to teach class tonight. So, for the first time ever, I hired a babysitter. The big kids have stayed with friends and relatives before, but not Leah. She sometimes has a hard time staying with Pete when I go grocery shopping, so it was a pretty big leap for me. However, I missed last year's night school staying home with Elijah so Pete could see what Hannah's school was all about. I wasn't about to miss it again!
So, I asked at church if there were any teenage girls who were interested, and I found one. She lives about 3-4 blocks away, so she's pretty convenient! Elijah was SOOO excited to have a babysitter. Leah did amazing, and didn't cry at all! Yay!!!! We were only gone an hour, and were only 1/2 a mile away.
I watched Hannah do 3 works at night school. First she frosted a large sponge with shaving cream. She hadn't gotten a chance to do this work before, so she was SUPER excited to show me. Then she picked a work where she shook some containers to try and find matching sounds. Last she did a work where you transfer marbles with tongs from a bowl to make a fish picture. It was all very fun to watch, and we both had a good time.
Cruise Day 5 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
We finally woke up to nice weather! Although the Canary Islands do not get
tropical hot, they usually stay around the same 20-24C range all year and
2 weeks ago
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