This was from the other night, but I thought it was funny. Leah looks like she's preparing to go wading. I think she was trying to show me her knees for some reason.
Today, school was cancelled due to a nasty winter storm that blew through. I was hoping we'd get the 4-8 inches of SNOW they were predicting without any ice, but that's not what happend. Last night we had freezing rain for several hours, then sometime overnight we got a couple of inches of snow. The freezing rain started back up again around lunch time and is supposed to continue until late evening, then we are supposed to get a few more inches of snow on top of that. There is no way there will be school tomorrow either... Today, I read the book "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" by Judy Blume to Hannah and we were both cracking up. It had been many, many years since I read it, but it was still very funny. Hannah's class just finished listening to "Super Fudge" (the sequal) last week and she was interested to hear the first book. We also checked out "Double Fudge" (the 3rd installment) from the library, and it may be on the schedule for tomorrow! I read that one a few years back , but I don't remember much about it.
My kids have just discovered knock-knock jokes! Here are their current favorites.
knock knock
who's there?
cows say
cows say who?
no silly, cows say MOO!!
knock knock
who's there?
interrupting cow
knock knock
who's there?
banana who?
knock knock
who's there?
banana who?
knock knock
who's there?
orange who?
orange you glad I didn't say banana?
All jokes are followed by side splitting squeals of laughter :)
Yesterday, Pete brought home some large pieces of paper, and today the kids colored on some of them.
Leah at work
Grrr... I shall fight you with my trusty marker!
This was before Elijah got mad that he colored too hard and made a hole in the paper...
Hannah starting her rainbow
Cruise Day 5 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
We finally woke up to nice weather! Although the Canary Islands do not get
tropical hot, they usually stay around the same 20-24C range all year and
4 days ago
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