Yesterday it snowed all day long, and we ended up with about 3 inches. Then last night we had near blizzard conditions, and the temperature dropped significantly. Schools were, of course, closed because they seem to close if there is a heavy frost on the ground...
The roads were wet, but not icy this morning, so I was able to go out and get Hannah some snow boots. When I bought Elijah's last week, I convinced myself that Hannah's were probably still big enough. They weren't. I bought the last pair of pink snow boots that Walmart had. Thankfully, they were the right size!
It was 13 degrees with a windchill of -6 (or so) when the kids went out to play, so I set the timer for 20 minutes. They made it about 15 minutes before Leah peed her pants (I forgot the cardinal rule of going potty BEFORE putting on snow pants...) and the other two were too cold to stay out any longer.
After coming in, Elijah remembered that last year after playing in the snow I made them popcorn, so we needed some today too. I think they were happy to be inside! But at least they got a chance to play in the first real snowfall of winter (it snowed a bit last week, but it was completely melted before noon).
Cruise Day 5 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
We finally woke up to nice weather! Although the Canary Islands do not get
tropical hot, they usually stay around the same 20-24C range all year and
4 days ago
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