It was a pretty crazy evening where Pete didn't get home until right at dinner time and then had to leave almost immediately after. So, I didn't get all the traditional pictures... However, the kids and I did make sufganiya for dessert (ours were made with refrigerated biscuit dough, so nothing fancy!). No pictures of those either, though I imagine they will make another appearance later in the week, especially since Leah wants a chocolate version...
I did manage to get a picture of the kids with the candles before they were totally burned out. Their gifts tonight were Pillow Pets. They have been going crazy for these things since this summer... I finally caved. They DO love them.
Hannah got a panda bear.
Elijah got a puppy.
Leah got a unicorn.
A while back I had the ol' "So, which Pillow Pet do you like the best?" conversation with the kids, so I knew which ones they wanted... Everyone ended up happy with their pet.
The kids' favorite Hanukkah thing is to play with the Little People Hanukkah set that my friend Barb got Hannah for her 1st birthday. I only get it out during Hanukkah, so they are always really excited to play with it.
Cruise Day 5 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
We finally woke up to nice weather! Although the Canary Islands do not get
tropical hot, they usually stay around the same 20-24C range all year and
2 weeks ago
You are such a cool mom. You really know how to make things special for your kids!
Your kids are so cute! It looks like they're having a wonderful time lovin on their pillow pets!
Thanks for saying hi on my blog - I totally forgot that they show the older MoTab Christmas specials every year. I'm so glad you told me!
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