We had a BUSY night!!!
First we dyed eggs...
Isn't Hannah's bunny egg the cutest?
Here's all of our dyed eggs
Next we made Resurrection Cookies. Here the kids are breaking the pecans to tiny pieces to represent Jesus being beaten by the Romans
Elijah is taking a sniff of vinegar, which is to remind us that when Jesus was on the cross he was given vinegar to drink.
Eggs represent Jesus's life (we got a twin yolk!)
The egg whites are super white and fluffy to remind us that Jesus was without sin
Happy Easter!!!
I forgot to get a picture of the cookies, but here is the oven sealed up with tape like Jesus's tomb was sealed... In the morning we'll open the oven (you turn off the oven after putting them in and they cook all night) and have hollow cookies.
... and the ever important Easter basket (the plastic eggs are hidden already!!)
Cruise Day 5 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
We finally woke up to nice weather! Although the Canary Islands do not get
tropical hot, they usually stay around the same 20-24C range all year and
4 days ago
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