Friday, October 2, 2009


Evansville has a huge street fair every year called the Fall Festival. Every year Montessori has a booth that sells Icky Licky (cricket suckers), Scorpion Pops and Chocolate Crickets. The new item this year is Quackwurst (duck sausage). In previous years they have sold Gator Taters, Kangaritos, and who knows what else :)

This year Mr R asked Hannah and Elijah help out promoting the booth. He provided lederhosen and duck calls, and we'll be going to a radio station or two on Monday morning.

Guten Tag! Wir verkaufen Duckwurst!!

Sind wir Enten oder Kinder?

Now ist die Zeit, als wir tanzen!!

*My apologies for the probable lack correct German grammar... It's been a long time, and I'm relying on internet translations :)